Saturday, February 14, 2009

New Block, New Lessons...Unchanging Love

"In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins" (1 John 4:9-10 ESV).

Marley and me! A dear friend at school, truly a blessing.
*Already half way through February! We began the second block of this semester on February 5th, and my schedule is busy busy busy. Block One ended three classes (Daniel, 1&2 Thessalonians, and Phillippians), and Block Two brought with it Colossians and Pastoral Epistles (covering 1&2Timothy and Titus). It'll be a light block as far as homework goes, which will be a great opportunity for me to invest in my girls here in the dorm.

Katie, Seth and me hanging out in the halls at school!

*WHAT'S KEEPING ME SO BUSY?? Well, along with core (morning) classes and homework, there's...

-Campus Life
meetings and event-planning
-Elective (afternoon) classes and homework
-Library duties
-Choir practice
-Babysitting weekly in Lansing (40 min drive) -Hanging out with the six girls in my dorm :)

I've also had the opportunity to babysit for several staff/student families, which is a lot of fun. Overall, I can't praise God enough for His provision this semester, especially financially. It would have been very difficult to manage a job on top of everything else this semester. THANK YOU SO MUCH for praying for me and giving sacrificially toward my training here at Bible school. You are each such a blessing to me!

All smiles with Lizzie @ Becca's graduation in December!
*I have been learning so much about relationships, both my relationship with the Lord Jesus and my relationships with those He's placed in my life. I'm blown away by the opportunity to live in such an encouraging community of believers, each one seeking God, all at different places in their walks with God. It's a challenge for me to consistently spend time with Christ each day when it seems like there is so much demanding my attention. But I am learning the value of time spent in quiet, and prayer...time spend with my Creator-Owner, my Savior, my Sustainer, my Friend. Only through His Word is my thinking being changed, my mind being renewed (Romans 12:2). And the result? TRANSFORMATION! Our God is transforming each of us who have believed Him for salvation. He's transforming us into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. And I can't think of hands more trust-worthy than those of the One who designed me, and loves me enough to die for my sin-debt. Praise the Lord! That which steals me away from time spent with Him each day is unworthy of my attention. He's been faithfully revealing my wrong priorities, and teaching me to depend on Him alone to change me, from the inside out...through the power of His Word.

My beautiful roommate and amazing friend, Shelley!
*Please continue to pray for me as I study God's Word. With each passing day graduation draws nearer, and I am struggling to trust God in the midst of future changes. Please thank God for His faithful work in my life (and yours!), and pray that I will respond to His Word by faith ("confident expectation" Heb. 11:1). I'm learning about trusting in Him, and choosing to live above the circumstances of life. Please email me ( with your prayer requests! I would love to hear how the Lord is working. Thanks again for your love and support.

In His Great Love,
