Sunday, May 31, 2009

Long Time, No Talkie

April Spring Break visit to MTC (phase 2 training) in Missouri!
April and May have flown by and here I am, a Bible school graduate! I'm currently sitting on the floor of the room I grew up in, at my parent's house. This is home base, for the next year or so. The plan, Lord willing, is to work part time and save money for the Missionary Training Center (the second phase of training to become a Tribal Church Planter with New Tribes Mission). I'll also be working closely with the kids at my church. A fellow Bible school graduate has decided to get involved at my Church, and we will be teaching the kids through the Chronological Bible lessons beginning in the fall. I'll be working to partner with my church during this time, serving wherever there is need. In September I begin EMT classes at Lansing Community College - praise God for providing a full ride scholarship!

Campus Life hosted the "Spring Fling" formal! Photos of my dorm & my date, Jeb...
Senior semester brought changes I could not have predicted. I'm so thankful to have built friendships with some of the underclassmen who will return to finish Bible school this fall. God has been so faithful to grow them! I have truly enjoyed witnessing the many ways He has challenged their thinking. God has also challenged my thinking, about so many things. A huge area of need was revealed in my life when I moved home. I'm so happy to be back, but it has been difficult and very humbling (praise the LORD). I'm glad to be living only one hour north of the Bible school in Jackson! Frequent visits are sure to take place in the fall...gotta keep up with the returning students I know and love! =)

This summer presents me with the awesome opportunity of mulling over, thinking through, and hopefully cementing certain biblical concepts that I long to understand better. I'm trusting the Lord to use the time I spend in His Word to bring up things I've missed or just misunderstood, specifically in the book of Romans. Also, July and August ring with wedding bells - both my sisters are engaged to be married! What with Dad & Mom's 33rd anniversary in June and my brother James celebrating his one year anniversary in July, this year has been (and will continue to be) a busy but joyous time for my parents.

I've enjoyed reconnecting with my parents and helping out at the coffee shop. Discussing wedding plans with the twins is also great fun. They're so different from each other, but I've no doubt both their weddings will be beautiful. I'm so excited for them! Please be praying as they each prepare not only for a wedding, but more importantly for a marriage. Hurray for two more big brothers!!

The Campus Life team! These people are a huge blessing to me.

I'll be working hard to keep this blog more regularly updated with my comings and goings. THANK YOU, all of you who prayed me through Bible school. I would not have made it to graduation without your time spent before the Throne of God. Truly, He worked miracles to provide for me financially in the last two years...and even more, He has changed me forever through His Word. I'm so grateful for the opportunity I was given to study the Word of God, and I would appreciate your prayers as I seek to continue in my studies and practical application of all that the Lord has taught me. Real life, here I come. Praise the Lord for His grace!

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