Saturday, January 17, 2009

The End of My LAST "First Week"...

Caroling in the cold at the end of last semester with my friend Cassie!
Phew, what a week! I've been blown away yet again by the grace of God. I returned to school on January 7th with only $600 earned over break. I'm very thankful for the job, but I was $995 short for my initial payment for this last semester at New Tribes. But how the Lord worked!! Within only three days, God provided $1000!! What a birthday present, huh!? (I turned 20 on the 9th.) The amazing thing is that those who gave to keep me here, gave sacrificially. I've learned so much about how the Body of Christ is meant to function biblically, praying for one another and helping each other where there is need. I've learned to depend more wholly upon God by having to depend on His provision through others. It's a beautiful, difficult lesson of getting over my pride and choosing to trust Him in everything. I'm so thankful.

God gave me the opportunity to share last Sunday, thanking my church family for their prayers and support. It was great to communicate with them how much I appreciate their love, and I hope you all know how grateful I am to our Heavenly Father for your friendship as well. I've been so blessed to know you and His grace has been poured out on my life through you. Thank you!

After two days of freshman orientation, we started classes on Wednesday morning. I'm so excited for what we're going to be learning! New Tribes has block scheduling, so this first block I'll have 1st & 2nd Thessalonians, Philippians, and Daniel/Revelation. Each class has already encouraged my heart and challenged my thinking a lot.

There's been an addition to my dorm! Karla Frank is a freshman this semester and I thank God for placing her with the other six of us here in "La Cancha" (our dorm name, created by my Bolivian missionary kid roommate, Shelley! :) Karla's testimony of coming to know the Lord and placing her faith in Him only a year ago is incredible and so refreshing to hear about. I'm looking forward to building relationships with the six girls God has placed in my life to grow alongside in the dorm here at Bible school.

I was whip-creamed and sung to on my 20th birthday at Los Tres Amigos!

God continues to provide. Even today He unexpectedly supplied $200 through willing hearts! I am humbled to be so loved by such a God and Father, and by His children, my sisters and brothers in Christ. Please continue to pray that God will provide according to His will, so that I might finish this Bible training for His glory. Right now I am still job-hunting and trusting the Lord to provide for me financially. I must confess that with my schedule this semester being very crazy, I would love to be free of having to work. But God knows what I need and He knows how to provide for my needs. I'm trusting Him and should He choose to provide through a job, praise His name! I am so thankful for the privaledge of being here, and in His strength (Phil. 4:13) I can
work to stay here!
My dormmate Michelle and me enjoying the chips and salsa at Los Tres.
Again, THANK YOU for your prayers. I will post again soon to share about how the Lord is working in my life. I love hearing about how He's at work in your lives as well, so please feel free to email me and include your prayer requests. God is glorified as we care for each other and prayer is a huge part of that!

In His Great Love,

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